Tuesday, January 26, 2021





January 25, 2021



Dear neighbor,


Effective today, Maryland is now in Phase 1C of COVID-19 vaccinations.  Individuals eligible for a vaccine under this phase include:


  • Adults age 65 and older
  • Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Clergy and other essential support for houses of worship
  • Food/agriculture production, critical manufacturing, U.S. Postal Service, public mass transit, grocery store employees
  • All licensed, registered and certified health care providers
  • Education staff, including K-12 teachers, support staff and daycare providers
  • Front line hospital staff; nursing home residents and staff
  • Assisted living, independent living, behavioral health and developmentally disabled group homes, and other congregate facilities
  • Law enforcement and firefighters, EMS, and other public safety workers
  • Correctional health care staff and officers; front line judiciary staff
  • Continuity of Government 
  • Veterinarians and support staff


Please note that vaccine quantities are very limited, and the process for obtaining one is strictly laid out.  One must register for an appointment through this state website.  Additional information from each of the First Congressional District’s county health departments can be found below:


Worcester CountyFor more information click here; 410.632.1100


Somerset CountyFor more information click here443.523.1920


Wicomico CountyFor more information click here410.912.6889


Dorchester CountyFor more information click here410.228.3223


Caroline CountyFor more information click here410.479.8030


Talbot CountyFor more information click here410.819.5600


Queen Anne’s CountyFor more information click here443.786.9529


Kent CountyFor more information click here410.778.1350


Cecil CountyFor more information click here410.996.1005


Harford CountyFor more information click here410.838.1500


Baltimore CountyFor more information click here410.887.3816


Carroll CountyFor more information click here410.876.4848


Further information on Maryland’s Phase 2 and 3 vaccination plan can be found here.  Adults with comorbidities will be eligible under Phase 2, as will essential workers in critical utilities, transportation, and food service; adults in the general population will be eligible under Phase 3.  Additionally, information on COVID-19 therapeutics location sites can be found here, and COVID-19 testing site information can be found here.


I hope this information is helpful.  Please rest assured that, as a physician, I will continue to keep you apprised of all COVID-19 resources and available information. To keep up with my work in Congress, visit my website at harris.house.gov and sign up to receive updates at harris.house.gov/contact/newsletter.  Should you wish to unsubscribe from my newsletter, you may follow the same link.



Member of Congress
Andy Harris M.D.

Please do not reply to this email. Instead, please send all e-mail messages (including replies) through the web link: Email Andy.










Saturday, January 9, 2021

Bridge Meeting, Monday, January 11, 2021

 Bridge Meeting Schedules

All meeting are on ZOOM.COM


Monday, January 11, 2021, 5:00 PM

Online meeting

Join Zoom Meeting:

Link upon request to essasailing38@gmail.com 

1.     Call to order

2.     Minutes of December 14, 2020 meeting

3.     Treasurer’s report

Current status & 2020 members

4.     Fleet Captains’ reports

Choptank Fleet

Will boats return?  Cruising Class, Rum Runner race to schedule, Joint race with Tred Avon Yacht Club (“Challenge Cup”), Learn to Sail, Crew Party in Spring, Date of Spring fleet meeting

Tangier Fleet

Crew Party, date of Spring fleet meeting, how to promote Tanzer 22s for sale

5.     Old Business

Online roster update
Election Results
Update on Award Presentations
On the water emergency plans - Dottie
Winter meetings

February 13, 2021: ESSA Cruising, George Breig

March 14, 2021: Tentative speaker – John Womack (Racing Rules and Cruising European Canals)

ESSA Cruising Award – Where is trophy?  Would presenting it encourage more participation in club cruises?


6.     New Business

How to do Change of Watch?
Late spring event to re-cap Awards and Change of Watch?  Necessary?
Design for keeper trophy for Spirit of Sailing Award
Cedar Hill Marina Insurance Requirement

7.     Bridge meeting dates

Monday February 8, 2021, 5 PM

Monday March 8, 2021, 5 PM

8.     Adjournment

Parking Lot Issues:

College Sailors

Jessica S. , Assistant Director of Athletics is contact at SU; received email May 18

Next Bridge Meeting: Monday February 8, 2020, 5 PM