Friday, March 8, 2019

Cambridge Sail & Power Squadron offers courses at the Cambridge Yacht Club

Below are the details on the upcoming classes the Cambridge Sail and 
Power Squadron will be teaching.

America's Boating Course -  is planned for 3 Sunday afternoons 1-4 pm, 10, 17, 24 March at the Cambridge Yacht Club. Cost is $10 per person with a $20 refundable book loan fee. Family members may share books. This class is open to the public. This is our basic course and we need a minimum number of students (6) to teach the class and I need to know by March 6th. Students need to confirm their desire to attend by phone at 302-629-4658 
or email

We also plan to teach the SAIL class starting 5 May thru 9 June; also Sunday
afternoons from 1-4 pm at the Yacht Club.
The course covers everything from basic concepts to heavy weather sailing. Cost is $60 to USPS members and members of CYC.

Non-members may take the class for $130 which includes the United States 
Power Squadrons (USPS) membership. Additional family sharing books will be $30. USPS members will have an on-the-water day at the end of the class on USPS boats and CYC members may arrange on-the-water training with the Yacht Club. Due to the need to order books, the cutoff date is 21 April with a minimum of (6) students 
needed for the class to go forward.

Use above phone numbers and email to reserve a spot.

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