Friday, October 4, 2019

Choptank Cup NORSI for October 12, 2019

So far, six boats will be racing. 
Touché, If... , Whistle Jacket, Jitterbug, Reveille, Aura.
Please reply to if you will be racing.

We are still looking for a committee boat just to start the race. (Racers will record their own finishing times.)
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 Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions

Saturday, October 12th, 2019 (bad weather date, Saturday, Oct 19)

The racing rules and regulations of US Sailing shall govern except as modified by the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association, the ESSA 2018 Yearbook and these Race Instructions.  As always the most important rule is to AVOID COLLISIONS.

Any member or non-member who has paid their $10.00 racing fee and is sailing a boat that has received a rating from ESSA or a valid PHRF certificate of the Chesapeake may enter a race.  All boats must check in with the Race Committee boat at least 5 minutes before the start of the race.  Boats not acknowledged by the Committee Boat within the time frame will be scored DNS.              

       Committee Boat will start the race and then retire due to other obligations.  All participants must individually record their GPS finish time and report it by email. (Or Text 443-521-9920) to the Choptank Fleet Scorekeeper George Breig ( by Sunday, October 13, 2018. The time of day should be reported: hour, minute, and seconds. Example 3: 22: 35 PM. Use GPS time, please.

A skippers’ meeting will be held at the Cambridge Yacht Basin Gazebo at 08:30. The $10.00 race fee will be collected at that time.
Any final notices before the race will be made on Channel 72 which is not wattage limited. Channel 72 will be monitored after the race begins.

Between the Race Committee boat and ESSA "I –G 25".

The finish line will be abeam of, and within six boat lengths of, the starting course mark (e.g. ESSA “I – G-25) or in case of a shortened course when abeam of a course mark, listed below.  The course can be shortened by finishing at a course mark or by turning around at the mark and finishing at the starting line. The position of the lead boat will be used to decide if the course is to be shortened.

The finish line is where a boat passes abeam of the finish mark within six boat lengths on the heading between the last two marks.  

Race will start promptly at 9:30 hours GPS time:
                                                            TIME                                    SOUNDS                            
Courtesy Warning            6 min     09:24                    5 Short blasts                    
Starting                            5 min     09:25                    1 Long horn blast                                           
Sequence                          4 min     09:26                    1 Horn blast                                     
                                         1 min     09:29                    1 Horn Blast                                     
                                          Start      09:30                    1 Long Horn Blast                           

Barring special circumstances, three boats must enter before a race will be held.  Any postponement will be announced at the Skippers’ Meeting.
Time Limit –The first boat must finish by 17:00 hrs (5:00 pm).  All boats not finishing by 18:00 (6:00 pm) shall be scored DNF 

There will be a Spin and Non-Spin class as long as there are at least 3 boats registered in each class. If there are not enough entries for two classes all boats will race non-spin.

There will be no radio communications unless an emergency exists, the race is being abandoned, shortened or a boat is abandoning a race or other communication from the Acting Committee Boat.  The Acting Committee Boat shall monitor Channel 72 during the race for emergencies.  Telephone calls usually work better: Trevor Carouge (443) 786-1051 (or George Breig: (443)521-9920)

      Any yacht protesting another yacht must follow US Sailing Rules with the following provisions and exceptions:
1)            Any yacht may exonerate herself for the infraction of a Rule in Part 2 of “The Racing Rules of Sailing” by getting clear of other boats as soon as possible & promptly completing one 360 degree turn including one tack and one jibe.
2)            Present a written protest on a standard protest form to the Acting Committee Boat within one hour after the Acting Committee Boat has docked. Protesting vessels must fly a red flag.

All equipment for Race Category 6P as outlined by PHRF of the Chesapeake Bay is required, and failure to comply is basis for disqualification.
These are the minimum requirements recommended by PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc., for short races in protected (rivers and creeks) waters.

If the course must be shortened, it will be at one of the marks of the course, unless changed by the race committee.

I -25       PORT - START
G-19A                   STARBOARD
R-16                      PORT
R-14       PORT
Choptank Light   STARBOARD
R-12       PORT
R-10       PORT
Sharps Island Light           PORT
R-10       STARBOARD
R-12       STARBOARD
Choptank Light   PORT

R-14       STARBOARD
R-16       STARBOARD
G-19A    PORT
I -25       Starboard FINISH
Course Distance 31.90 Nautical Miles

All scoring will be on corrected time utilizing the PHRF (TOT) Time-Over-Time method with a low point scoring system (first place = 1pnt etc.) DNF will be scored last place +1. 

Yachts will be scored according to the PHRF/ESSA handicap rating System. Recipient of the Choptank Cup will be determined by the best performance in class on corrected time in the following fashion. The time of each class winner will be compared to the average time of the 2nd and 3rd place boats in that class. The class winner with the greatest time differential over the class average will receive the Choptank Cup. 

Shortened course options:
G25>>>R12 port>>>G25 = 22.40 NM                       

G25>>>Choptank Light starboard>>>G25 = 14.6 NM       

G25>>>R14 port>>>G25 = 13.00 NM                       

G25>>>G19 starboard>>>G25 = 7.00 NM

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