Wednesday, December 18, 2019


December 17, 2019

Meeting called to order at 4:33pm.

Deke Sheller
Pete Genero
Mark McIver
Judith Stribling
Dave Buchanan
George Breig
Jerry Gerlitzki
Neill Carey

Bridge Meeting minutes from Nov 17, 2019 approved.
Annual Meeting minutes from Dec 17, 2019 approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
As of Nov 1, 2019 ESSA had a balance of $8645.05.
Treasurer’s report approved.

Fleet Reports:

Choptank Fleet:
Currently working on revising the preplanned race course selections and relocating race mark F.

Tangier Fleet:
Working on the transition to the new fleet captains Kevin and Rhonda.

Old Business:

Change of Watch Dinner:
The C.o.W. dinner will be held at the Cambridge Yacht Club on Saturday, January 18th. Social hour begins at 5:30pm and dinner starts at 6:30pm. Final details on the menu and price are being finalized. Once the details are set a RSVP email will be sent out to the membership.
Racer’s Aid:
George Breig is preparing a laminated sheet of racing information for each fleet. The sheet will include such info as heading and distance between marks, local waters chart, starting horn sequences, flags, etc. The projected cost of the laminated sheets will be $3.00 each but will be available for free to members who have their dues by the Change of Watch dinner.

Yearbook ads are coming in, but more are needed. Also, Jerry Gerlitzki needs any photos or stories of any sailing activities by ESSA members. Ads and content for the yearbook can be sent to:
He needs them by Jan. 1st in order to get the yearbook published on time. Our yearbook has received compliments as being the best around, all thanks to Jerry’s efforts. Please help him with your stories and pictures!

New Business:

Winter Luncheon and General Meetings:
The first Winter Luncheon Meeting will be held in Salisbury at La Tolteca restaurant on Feb 15th, 2020 starting at 12:00 noon.
The second Winter Luncheon Meeting will be held in Cambridge on March 14th, 2020. Location and time TBD.

Next Bridge meetings:
The next Bridge meetings are scheduled for:
Jan 13th , 2020 at Deke Sheller’s house staring at 4:30pm
Feb 10th , 2020 at Neill Carey’s house (104 Elizabeth St, Salisbury) starting at 4:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

Sub: PG

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