Saturday, April 24, 2021

More Scorekeeper's Notes: Race Codes? OOD?

 On occasion codes are used on the score sheet. The following explains the codes and how they are scored.

The software automatically calculates this scoring.

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Here are some typical codes that we use from time to time.

DNF scoring: Did not Finish

The boat will be scored points equal to the number of finishers plus one.

DSQ scoring: Disqualified after starting the race.

Same as DNF 

DNS Scoring: Reported to the starting area; but, did not Start

The boat will be scored points equal to the number of starters plus one.

DNC Scoring: Boat did not report to the starting area and did not start

The boat will be scored points equal to the number of boats in series plus one.

For example: 

3 boats (A,B,C) finish the race in that order.

Boat D starts then retires. (ran out of beer) DNF

Boat E failed to finish within the time limit. (wind fell off) DNF

Boat F was disqualified (missed a mark.) DSQ

Boat G reported to the starting area but retired before the start. (forgot beer) DNS

Boat H & I were absent. (on vacation in Hawaii) DNC

Results: (9 boats registered for series.) (paid their racing fee)

Boat A 1.0 points

Boat B 2.0 points

Boat C 3.0 points

Boat D DNF 4.0 points

Boat E DNF 4.0 points

Boat F DSQ 4.0 points

Boat G DNS 7.0 points

Boat H DNC 10.0 points

Boat I  DNC 10.0 points

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OOD - Officer of the Day

If you are the Committee Boat or OOD, you will receive points based on you average finishes for that series. In our case, 6 races makes a full series. that means up to 5 results will be averaged.  As the series progresses, your OOD score will change depending on your finishes,

2.6.2 Race Committee Boat Scoring - The boat designated as the stationary Race Committee Boat will be scored OOD (Officer-Of-the-Day.) The boat will receive the average points of all scored races less any DNC's for that series. 

Committee Boat Scoring: OOD
The boat designated as the Committee Boat will be scored OOD (Officer of the day.The average points of all scored races less any DNC's for that series. 

Example: a boat that finished 1,2,3, OOD, 4, DNC.  The DNC would be discarded. Scoring: 1+2+3+4=10.  10/4 = 2.5 = OOD.  
For the race that the boat was the RC, the boat would be scored 2.5.

In the case of using a borrowed boat for RC duty: The skipper of the designated committee boat must be on board to officiate the Race Committee. If the skipper of the designated RC boat decides to permit his crew to race his/her boat, that boat will not be scored on its finish time. It will be scored OOD.  The 2021 Choptank NORSI provides more detail. 

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Racings and membership forms link

George B, Scorekeeper

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