Wednesday, August 31, 2022

NOTICE: Amendment to Choptank Fleet NOR & SI 2022, August 31, 2022

 Notice to the Choptank Fleet,

Because of the numerous (7) cancellations due to zero-wind conditions.

The Race Committee has amended the NORSI to salvage the 2022 sailing season.



The race scheduled for this evening, August 31, will be scored and recorded as the fourth race of Series 2.

This action will qualify NON-SPIN Series 2 and therefore permit awards for NON-SPIN.



The Spinnaker class completed 4 races. No make-up race is required.


Series 3:NON-SPIN

September 7, 14, 21, 28 will be scheduled and scored as Series 3 events.

Since sunset will affect completion of the races on Sept 21 & 28, the RC will attempt to start the races before 6:00 PM.

Shorter courses will also be considered.



This evening’s race, August 31, will be scored as Race 1 of Series 3 for the Spinnaker class.

September 7, 14, 21, 28 will also be scheduled and scored as Series 3 events.

Since sunset will affect completion of the races on Sept 21 & 28, the RC will attempt to start the races before 6:00 PM.

Shorter courses will also be considered.



Respectfully submitted,

The Race Committee

Pat Seidel, Acting Fleet Captain

Bob Gallagher, Fleet Captain

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