Friday, November 18, 2022

ESSA proposes to increase membership fees, Saturday, November 19, 2022

At this time, 47 sailors have confirmed their attendance to the ESSA Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner.

At the meeting, A motion to increase the membership fees will be proposed for consideration. A vote by the membership is required to approve the increase. Members must be present to vote. Members need not attend the dinner to vote.

Proposed for confirmation of the ESSA Members.

In light of increased costs and especially the adoption of a fleet insurance policy, the bridge has recommended an increase in membership and racing fees. The liability insurance policy alone has added over $1800 to ESSA’s annual expense. Other costs have also increased. Awards, group hosted events, and sailing memberships have all contributed to increased expenses.

The ESSA Bridge recommends increasing membership fees from $30 to $40 for single members and $45 to $50 for family memberships. Note: Family is limited to the immediate family which includes spouse and children under 18. 


Whereas the membership fees have not been adjusted for multiple years, it is proposed for consideration that the ESSA members vote to increase the membership fees as follows:

·         Single Member Annual Fee  $40

·         Family Member Annual Fee $50


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