Monday, May 27, 2024

Stedman Smith Cup, Last Chance to sign- up, Saturday, June 1, 2024

The weather looks good. Crab cakes are on the menu.


Eastern Shore Sailing Association

Race Instructions for the Stedman Smith Cup

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Click Here for Stedman NORSI, June 1

Leg 1, The Race to Oxford

In lieu of a Skippers Meeting, race instructions will be announced on VHF channel 72.  Boats should assemble near G1 and G3(ESSA A)  for the starting sequence.

Skippers will need to  submit a completed  2024 ESSA Race Application if you have not already done so.  There will be only one class, Non-Spinnaker ORR-EZ.  Each skipper will record, and report elapsed time for both legs. Racers should monitor VHF Channel 72 at the start and during the race.

The race will begin at 09:00 unless delayed due to the weather.  The backup race day is Sunday, June 2 starting with a radio Skippers meeting at 8:30 am. 

Boats racing:





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