Friday, May 24, 2019

NOR & SI for the Stedman Smith Cup, June 1, 2019

Race instructions for the Stedman Smith Cup
Saturday, June 1, 2019
First Race Date, May 13, 2000.  Subsequent races will be held annually.
Leg 1, The Race to Oxford
A Skippers Meeting will be held at the Cambridge Municipal Yacht Basin Gazebo at 8:15 am. Skippers, please submit a completed 2019 ESSA Race Application if you have not already done so.  Each skipper will record and report elapsed time for both legs.
The race will begin at 09:00.   The starting line will be between G1 Cambridge Creek and R2 Cambridge Creek or as decided at the Skipper’s meeting.
Marks: Hambrooks Light to Port;
G23; to Port;
G19A to Starboard. 
The fourth mark and finish line is Red 2, Tred Avon. Distance: 9.41 nm
Note:   Boats are welcome to tie up in an empty slip in the Cambridge Municipal Marina during the pre-race skipper's meeting.
Rules of Leg 1:
There are 3.0 hours allotted for Leg 1.  The 6 minute horn will be at 8:54, with the starting gun at 9:00 am.  The use of engines is allowed and in fact required if necessary to finish Leg 1 in 3.0 hours.  The use of engines is only to be used for the final dash to the finish line.  Engines are not to be used strategically during the race. All boats must finish by 12:00 noon. Any boat not finishing within that time is disqualified. Skippers and crew will record engine run times to the second, which will be added to their elapsed time. For every minute of motoring, two minutes will be added to the elapsed time.  The adjusted elapsed time will be corrected per PHRF Time-over-Time.           
In the event that a committee boat is not present, hsortly after crossing the finish line, each boat will use the radio to call out the boat's elapsed time and engine run time to the committee boat on channel 67.  Docking is available at the Tred Avon Yacht Club.
Lunch will be at the Tred Avon Yacht Club.  You will be able to order off of their menu at their galley window. No reservations required.

Leg 2, The Race to Cambridge
The starting line will be in the vicinity of Tred Avon Red 2.
Keep the Choptank Light to Port
Keep R2, LeCompte Bay, to Starboard
Keep G19A to Port.
Keep G23 to Starboard.  
Keep Hambrooks Light to Starboard
The finish line, same as the starting line Cambridge Creek G1 – R2.
Distance:  9.81 nm
Rules of Leg 2:
The Six-minute horn will be at 1:54 PM with the starting horn at 2:00 PM or as decided by the skippers.
The use of engines will NOT be permitted in Leg 2.  Leave the Choptank Light to Port.  After rounding that mark the Skipper must take a nap and say “Ah, this is the life!” and then remove him/herself from the skippering of the vessel. No race skippering conversation will be permitted with the skipper for the remainder of the race.  Leg 2 has a time limit of 3.5 hours and may be shortened as deemed appropriate by the Race Committee.  Possible shortening sites are:  R24, G23, G19A, R2 LeCompte Bay. If it becomes appropriate to shorten the race, the decision will be made prior to affecting possible race outcome and will be announced on channel 67. The adjusted elapsed time will be corrected per PHRF Time-over-Time.   
If the skipper is single handing the competing vessel, the race committee will evaluate a request for rules variance on the nap issue.
Cup Scoring Rules.
The winner of the Stedman Smith Cup will have the best combined corrected total time for legs one and two without being disqualified from either leg.  
There will only be one class, Non Spinnaker PHRF. 
In the event of a canceled Leg 2, Leg 1 will determine the winner of the Stedman Smith Cup.

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