Thursday, December 17, 2020

Choptank Fleet Awards Ceremony

 Attention Choptank Sailors

A brief ceremony will be staged at the Cambridge Yacht Club Gazebo on 

Sunday, December 20, 2020. at 2:00 PM

Your attendance is encouraged.

Choptank Fleet Awards Winners:

Choptank Race Results 2020

Series 1 (Non-Spin) 

  1. Aura
  2. Reveille
  3. Whistle Jacket

Series 2 Non-Spin

  1. Reveille
  2. Tamarind
  3. Jitterbug
Series 2 Spinnaker
  1. Jambo
  2. Gabrielle
  3. Ethyl Alcohol

Series 3 Non- Spin

  1. Reveille
  2. Tamarind 
  3. Touché 

Series 3 Spinnaker 

  1. Jambo
  2. Aura
  3. Gabrielle

Overall Non Spin 

  1. Reveille
  2. Tamarind
  3. Touché

Overall Spinnaker

  1. Jambo
  2. Aura
  3. Gabrielle

Stedman Smith- not raced in 2020

Wild Goose Chase

  1. Jitterbug

Choptank Cup

  1. Tamarind
  2. Reveille
  3. Jambo
Great Shoals Lighthouse Award - Tom Jackson

Awarded to the ESSA member who has demonstrated the most outstanding sailing accomplishment or performed the highest level of meritorious service in the promotion of sailboat racing, or a combination thereof.

Bluewater Cup - Richard Bearman

Awarded to an ESSA boat captained by its owner sailing the most offshore miles during a calendar year, but not less than 300 miles.

ESSA Promotional Award - Trevor Carouge 

Awarded to the person who has done the most to promote sailing on the Eastern Shore.

ESSA Spirit of Sailing Award - Leah Creswell 

Awarded to a member or volunteer who best exemplifies spirited and sportsmanlike sailing.

Your ESSA Bridge, Neill C. -  Commodore

Monday, December 7, 2020

Cambridge Sailwinds Development

  Press Release

December 4, 2020




          Cambridge Waterfront Development, Inc.(CWDI) in partnership with BCTDesign Group, is launching an on-line survey asking for your ideas and opinions about the future of waterfront development at Sailwinds.  Your ideas will be considered by CWDI in the shaping of a development master plan which will guide development decisions over the next several years.

          The Cambridge Waterfront area subject to development planning extends from the Burton Fishing Bridge to Cambridge Creek and encompasses approximately 40 acres.  To assist your thinking about how this area should be developed, a background presentation and introduction to planning topics will precede the questionnaire.

The survey website is

It can be accessed beginning December 10th.  CWDI encourages you to go to the website and take advantage of the presentation information and complete the questionnaire on-line.  If you prefer a paper copy of the questionnaire, please contact Sandra Tripp-Jones, Executive Director, at or 805-453-4480.  She will send you a questionnaire with a stamped return envelope.  Your ideas will be greatly appreciated. 

Contact:  Sandra Tripp-Jones, CWDI Executive Director





Thursday, November 12, 2020

2020 ESSA Race Results & Awards

Click here for 2020 ESSA Race Results  

Congratulations to all on a great season.

Due to COVID-19, the Awards Dinner, installation of new officers, and other gatherings will be postponed. Alternate arrangements will be made to present awards.

Stand-by for a message from the ESSA bridge. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Choptank Cup, October 10, 2020


The wind proved to be perfect for this long race. Initially, the forecast was to present stronger winds with gusts to 25 Knots; but, a steady 11-18 knot Southwest wind prevailed most of the day. Under a continuing overcast sky,  the fleet was able to sail between and beam reach to close hauled all the way to the Sharp's Island Light  and back: a one-tack cruise for 31.9 NM. The return trip was between a broad-beam reach to a close all the way.   

Another surprise was the turn-out. Seven boats started the race. All sailed non-spinnaker. Slice, sailing single handed, challenged the pace against the bigger boats before turning back. 

As the race developed, two matches races evolved. It was Jambo pitted against Reveille. After 31.9 NM, they crossed the finish line within 2 minutes, 38 seconds of each other with the advantage to Reveille. 

The other match-up was Gabrielle verses Tamarind. Their finish had Gabrielle crossing the line 1 minute, 33 seconds before Tamarind. These boats jockeyed for position side-by side for the entire race. What fun was that!

Whistle Jacket kept pace with both match-ups finishing in between. Jitterbug finished the race after seven hours and had the honor of retrieving the finish line marker. 

After PHRF correction, Tamarind proved to be the best. Congratulations to all skippers and their crews.

1st  -Tamarind - Mark McIver

2nd - Revielle - Tom Jackson

3rd - Jambo - Trevor Carouge

Got more photos? 

Send them to 

The fleet moves out after the start
Left to right: Gabrielle, Reveille, Tamarind, Jambo, Whistle Jacket

Sharp's Island Light, half-way (definitely needs a paint job.)

Fair winds to all,

George Breig, 

Choptank Scorekeeper and ESSA blogger.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Choptank Cup Results, October 10, 2020


Sailwave results for Wednesday Races at Choptank Series 1, 2020 2020

Choptank Cup, 2020

Results as of 19:43 on October 10, 2020

Choptank Cup 2020 - N-Spin Class - October 10, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 9:30:33, Distance: 31.9 NM, Course: I - Sharp's Lght - I, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: 11-20 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 1 9:30:33 15:02:56 5:32:23 3:55:05 183 5.758 kn 1.0
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 2 9:30:33 14:39:55 5:09:22 4:02:23 139.708 6.187 kn 2.0
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge N-Spin 111 111 3 9:30:33 14:41:28 5:10:55 4:11:54 142.624 6.156 kn 3.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 4 9:30:33 14:49:09 5:18:36 4:16:24 157.075 6.008 kn 4.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear N-Spin 21613 126 5 9:30:33 15:00:18 5:29:45 4:22:46 178.047 5.804 kn 5.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 6 9:30:33 16:40:33 7:10:00 5:15:10 366.605 4.451 kn 6.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 7     DNF       7.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

Monday, October 5, 2020

Choptank Cup, Saturday, October 10 , 2020, NORSI

Printable copy of the Choptank Cup NORSI


Saturday, October 10th, 2020 (bad weather date, Saturday, Oct 17)


The racing rules and regulations of US Sailing shall govern except as modified by the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association, the ESSA 2019 Yearbook and these Race Instructions. As always the most important rule is to avoid collisions. Sail at your own risk.


Any ESSA member who has paid their $10.00 racing fee and is sailing a boat that has received a rating from ESSA or a valid PHRF certificate of the Chesapeake may enter the race. All boats must check in with the Race Committee or designate boat at least 5 minutes before the starting sequence. Boats not acknowledged by the Committee Boat within the time frame will be scored DNS.


When a committee boat or land crew is available, they will handle starting the race as per normal operating procedures for ESSA Wednesday nights. In the event of no committee boat or land crew, a designated competitor (typically the fleet captain) can carry Ollie along and broadcast the start sequence via radio. All participants must individually record their GPS finish time and report it by email (, or text 443-521-9920 to the Choptank Fleet Scorekeeper George Breig by 8pm the day of the race. The time of day should be reported: hour, minute, and seconds. Example: 3: 22: 35 PM. Use GPS time, please.


A skippers’ meeting will be held at the CYC Gazebo at 08:00 hours. The $10.00 race fee can be collected at that time. Any final notices before the race will be made on Channel 72. Channel 72 will be monitored after the race begins.


Between ESSA "I –G 25" and the race committee boat or the following; a drop mark, the lighthouse or the CYC flag pole. The above being dependent on race day conditions and availability of volunteers. To be determined at skippers meeting by fleet captain or designate.


The finish line will be the same as the start line unless there is need for a shortened course. In the case of a shortened course, the finish line is where a boat passes abeam of the new finish mark within six boat lengths on the heading between the last two marks, and on the channel side.

If conditions change drastically after the race begins, the course may be shortened to a designated race mark. The course can be shortened by finishing at a course mark or by turning around at a designated mark and finishing at “I”. It is encouraged that a race be shortened prior to beginning if at all possible. Always finish on the channel side of the mark. 


The race will start promptly at 9:30 hours GPS time.


Courtesy Warning 6 min 09:24 5 Short blasts

Starting 5 min 09:25 1 Long horn blast

Sequence 4 min 09:26 1 Horn blast

1 min 09:29 1 Horn Blast

Start 09:30 1 Long Horn Blast



Any postponement will be announced at the Skippers’ Meeting. Three boats are required to race.


The first boat must finish by 17:00 hrs (5:00 pm). All boats not finishing by 18:00 (6:00 pm) shall be scored DNF.


There will be a Spin and Non-Spin class as long as there are at least 3 boats racing in each class. If there are not enough entries for two classes then all boats will race non-spin (unless all participants are spinnaker boats).


There will be no radio communications unless an emergency exists, the race is being abandoned, shortened or a boat is abandoning a race or other communication from the Committee Boat or designate. The Acting Committee Boat shall monitor Channel 72 during the race for emergencies.


Any yacht protesting another yacht must follow US Sailing Rules with the following provisions and exceptions:

1) Any yacht may exonerate herself for the infraction of a Rule in Part 2 of “The Racing Rules of Sailing” by getting clear of other boats as soon as possible & promptly completing one 360 degree turn including one tack and one jibe.

2) Notify the Race Committee or designate promptly within one hour of the Committee boat or designate docking. Protestor should provide a written protest on a standard protest form to the Acting Committee Boat as soon as possible. Protesting vessels must fly a red flag. 


It is strongly encouraged that skippers consult US Sailing to review safety requirements for near shore racing. These are the minimum requirements recommended by PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc., for short races in protected (rivers and creeks) waters.


Note: If the course must be shortened, it will be at one of the marks of the course, unless changed by the race committee prior to start, and discussed at the skippers meeting.




I-25 Starboard (Start)

R-10 Starboard

G-19A Starboard

R-12 Starboard

R-16 Port

Choptank Light Port

R-14 Port

R-14 Starboard

Choptank Light Starboard

R-16 Starboard

R-12 Port

G-19A Port

R-10 Port

I-25 Port (Finish)

Sharps Island Port




All scoring will be on corrected time utilizing the PHRF (TOT) Time-Over-Time method with a low point scoring system (first place = 1 pnt etc.) DNF will be scored last place +1. Yachts will be scored according to the PHRF/ESSA handicap rating System.

The recipient of the Choptank Cup will be determined by the best performance in class on corrected time in the following fashion. The time of each class winner will be compared to the average time of the 2nd and 3rd place boats in that class. The class winner with the greatest time differential over the class average will receive the Choptank Cup.


G25>>>R12 port>>>G25 = 22.40 NM

G25>>>Choptank Light starboard>>>G25 = 14.6 NM

G25>>>R14 port>>>G25 = 13.00 NM

G25>>>G19 starboard>>>G25 = 7.00 NM



Reminder, Choptank Cup, Are you sailing?

Are You sailing on Saturday, October 10, 2020?

Send a reply to 


The bridge is  looking for an interested person to assume the position of Secretary, The Secretary would record the minutes at bridge meetings.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Tangier Fleet News, October 2, 3 2020

Hi all, 

We will be doing a fun sail on Sunday normal time -  After the fun sail we would like to get an idea of how many are interested in attending the after party for purposes of food purchases.  In addition we would like to determine the start time of the Grey Goose on October 11, 2020 as these races usually are a bit longer depending on the weather.   

The after parties will be held outside to accommodate social distancing and "masks" will be required to ease some members' anxiety.

Kevin and I will be handling all the food to eliminate multiple hands preparing or handling the food and Kevin will be making Brats and there will be sides.  

If anyone wants to bring anything - prepackaged cookies or desserts would be great.  

There will also be a scheduled party at Bob Gordon's house after the Gosling Cup on October 18th.  Again we would like to start a bit earlier so the festivities don't go too late in the day.  

 Happy Sailing and see you all Sunday. 

Rhonda and Kevin

ESSA Choptank News, October 2, 2020


Bad weather date: TBD

ESSA Fleet,

This is the granddaddy of the Choptank Races.  
A 31.90 Nautical Mile round trip from Cambridge to Sharp's Island Light.  
The race will be scored using PHRF.  Standby for the NORSI.
Last year, 2020, the wet and windy weather did not deter Whistle Jacket and Gabrielle. 
They went the distance and came back with their saturated crews dripping with excitement.

Please reply to if you intend to compete.
~~~~/)~ ~~~/)~~ ~~ ~~
~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ /)~~ ~

All race markers have been retrieved. They will be reset in early May.
The large white flag on "G" is visible from a half mile or better. 
"B" will also be changed to a white flag.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Tangier Fleet, Overall Season Results, June- September, 2020


Sailwave results for Tangier Fleet SEASON FINAL 2020 at Tangier Fleet 2020

Tangier Fleet SEASON FINAL 2020

Tangier Fleet

Tangier 2020 SEASON


Sailed: 13, Discards: 3, To count: 10, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo HelmName Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 Total Nett
1st One Design Puff Daddy Tanzer22FK 213 Gooch/Stribling 240 1.0 (4.0) 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 (5.0) (3.0) 3.0 1.0 1.0 27.0 15.0
2nd One Design Lolly Tanzer22FK 1396 McKenzie/Ford 240 (7.0) 1.0 4.0 4.0 (5.0) 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 (5.0) 3.0 3.0 41.0 24.0
3rd One Design Peace of Heaven Tanzer22FK 1402 Barry Hall 240 (4.0) 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.5 (5.0) 3.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 (6.0) 40.5 25.5
4th One Design Phantom Tanzer22FK 78 Cottingham/Womack 240 2.0 3.0 (5.0) 2.0 4.0 3.0 (5.0) 2.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 (5.0) 2.0 42.0 27.0
5th One Design Existent Tanzer22FK 1633 George Hochschwender 240 (6.0) 5.0 1.0 (7.0 DNC) (6.0) 6.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 58.5 39.5
6th One Design Mean Mr. Mustard Tanzer22FK 1956 Steve Engler 240 5.0 (7.0 DNC) (6.0) 6.0 (7.0 DNC) 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 75.0 55.0
7th One Design Wind Dance Tanzer22FK 243 Peers/Gordon 240 3.0 6.0 (7.0) 5.0 3.0 (7.0) (7.0) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 DNC 7.0 DNC 80.0 59.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.1

Tangier Fleet, Series 3, Race 5, End of Series Results, September 23, 2020


Sailwave results for Series 3, 2020 at Tangier Fleet 2020

Series 3, 2020

Tangier Fleet



Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo HelmName Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total Nett
1st One Design Puff Daddy Tanzer22FK 213 Gooch/Stribling 240 (5.0) 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 13.0 8.0
2nd One Design Peace of Heaven Tanzer22FK 1402 Barry Hall 240 3.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 (6.0) 14.0 8.0
3rd One Design Lolly Tanzer22FK 1396 McKenzie/Ford 240 2.0 2.0 (5.0) 3.0 3.0 15.0 10.0
4th One Design Phantom Tanzer22FK 78 Cottingham/Womack 240 4.0 4.0 1.0 (5.0) 2.0 16.0 11.0
5th One Design Existent Tanzer22FK 1633 George Hochschwender 240 1.0 5.0 4.0 (6.0) 4.0 20.0 14.0
6th One Design Mean Mr. Mustard Tanzer22FK 1956 Steve Engler 240 (6.0) 6.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 27.0 21.0
7th One Design Wind Dance Tanzer22FK 243 Peers/Gordon 240 (7.0) 7.0 7.0 7.0 DNC 7.0 DNC 35.0 28.0


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo HelmName Rating Elapsed Points
1 One Design Puff Daddy Tanzer22FK 213 Gooch/Stribling 240 57:30 1.0
2 One Design Phantom Tanzer22FK 78 Cottingham/Womack 240 58:11 2.0
3 One Design Lolly Tanzer22FK 1396 McKenzie/Ford 240 59:13 3.0
4 One Design Existent Tanzer22FK 1633 George Hochschwender 240 1:00:33 4.0
5 One Design Mean Mr. Mustard Tanzer22FK 1956 Steve Engler 240 1:00:38 5.0
6 One Design Peace of Heaven Tanzer22FK 1402 Barry Hall 240 1:03:15 6.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.1

Thursday, September 24, 2020

SAVE THE DATE! OCTOBER 10, 2020 for The Choptank Cup

Bad weather date: TBD

ESSA Fleet,

This is the granddaddy of the Choptank Races.  
A 31.90 Nautical Mile round trip from Cambridge to Sharp's Island Light.  
Last year, 2020, the wet and windy weather did not deter Whistle Jacket and Gabrielle. 
They went the distance and came back with their saturated crews dripping with excitement.

Please reply to if you intend to compete.

All participants must pay a $10 fee payable before or at the Skippers' Meeting.
Checks should be made payable to ESSA.
This is a PHRF event. depending on the participants, it will be a spin or non-spin event.
We will need a volunteer Committee Boat to start the race. Skippers mark their own finish times.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Choptank Fleet, Non-Spin Overall Season Results, June - September, (Series 1,2,3)

Sailwave results for Wednesday Races at Choptank Series 1,2,3, 2020 2020

Wednesday Races

Choptank Series 1,2,3 2020

Results as of 20:43 on September 23, 2020

N-Spin Class

Sailed: 13, Discards: 3, To count: 10, Rating system: PHRFTOT, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Race 1
June 17, 2020  
Race 2
June 24, 2020  
Race 3
July 1, 2020  
Race 1
July 8, 2020  
Race 2
July 15, 2020  
Race 3
July 29, 2020  
Race 4
August 5, 2020  
Race 1
Aug 19, 2020  
Race 2
Aug 26, 2020  
Race 3
Sept 2, 2020  
Race 4
Sept 9, 2020  
Race 5
Sept 16, 2020  
Race 6
Sept 23, 2020  
Total Nett
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 1st (2.0) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (3.0) 1.0 (3.0) 1.0 2.0 19.0 11.0
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 2nd (4.0) (12.0 DNC) 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 DNF 1.0 (7.0 RAF) 2.9 OOD 4.0 1.0 46.9 23.9
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 3rd 1.0 (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 3.0 (12.0 DNC) 2.0 4.0 2.0 DNF 2.6 OOD 3.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 DNF 61.6 25.6
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 4th (5.0) 3.0 (4.0 DNF) 4.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 DNF 2.0 3.4 OOD 4.0 (5.0) 3.0 44.4 30.4
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 5th 7.0 (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 5.0 5.1 OOD 5.0 6.0 (12.0 DNC) 4.0 4.0 5.0 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 101.1 65.1
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 6th 6.0 (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 5.0 2.0 DNF 5.0 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 6.0 12.0 DNC 120.0 84.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 7th (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 2.0 2.0 3.0 12.0 DNC 127.0 91.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 8th 3.0 2.0 2.0 (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 127.0 91.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 9th (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 8.0 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 7.0 DNF 6.0 7.0 DNF 4.0 128.0 92.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 10th (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 4.0 6.0 7.0 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 137.0 101.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 11th (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 156.0 120.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

Choptank Fleet, Spin Fleet Overall Season Results, (Series 2 & Series 3), July- September 2020

Sailwave results for Wednesday Races at Choptank Series 2,3, 2020 2020

Wednesday Races

Choptank Series 2,3 2020

Results as of 20:38 on September 23, 2020

Spin Class

Sailed: 9, Discards: 2, To count: 7, Rating system: PHRFTOT, Entries: 8, Scoring system: Appendix A
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Race 1
July 8, 2020  
Race 2
July 15, 2020  
Race 3
July 29, 2020  
Race 4
August 5, 2020  
Race 1
Aug 19, 2020  
Race 2
Aug 26, 2020  
Race 3
Sept 2, 2020  
Race 5
Sept 16, 2020  
Race 6
Sept 23, 2020  
Total Nett
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1st (1.0 OOD) (1.0) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 7.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 2nd 1.0 3.0 (4.0) (9.0 DNC) 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 28.0 15.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 3rd (3.0) 2.0 2.0 2.9 OOD 3.0 3.0 (4.0) 3.0 3.0 25.9 18.9
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 4th 2.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.8 OOD 4.0 2.0 (9.0 DNC) (9.0 DNC) 37.8 19.8
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 5th (9.0 DNC) (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 81.0 63.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 5th (9.0 DNC) (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 81.0 63.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 5th (9.0 DNC) (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 81.0 63.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 5th (9.0 DNC) (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 81.0 63.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

Choptank Fleet Race Results, Series 3, Race 6, End of Series, End of WNR Season


Sailwave results for Wednesday Races at Choptank Series 3, 2020 2020

Wednesday Races

Choptank Series 3, 2020

Results as of 20:45 on September 23, 2020

N-Spin Class

Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Rating system: PHRFTOT, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Race 1
Aug 19, 2020  
Race 2
Aug 26, 2020  
Race 3
Sept 2, 2020  
Race 4
Sept 9, 2020  
Race 5
Sept 16, 2020  
Race 6
Sept 23, 2020  
Total Nett
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 1st 1.0 (3.0) 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 11.0 8.0
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 2nd 2.0 DNF 1.0 (7.0 RAF) 2.0 OOD 4.0 1.0 17.0 10.0
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 3rd 2.0 DNF 2.0 OOD 3.0 1.0 2.0 (5.0 DNF) 15.0 10.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 4th 2.0 DNF 2.0 2.8 OOD 4.0 (5.0) 3.0 18.8 13.8
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 5th (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 2.0 2.0 3.0 12.0 DNC 43.0 31.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 6th (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 7.0 DNF 6.0 7.0 DNF 4.0 48.0 36.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 7th 2.0 DNF 5.0 (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 6.0 12.0 DNC 49.0 37.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 8th (12.0 DNC) 4.0 4.0 5.0 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 49.0 37.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 9th (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 72.0 60.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 9th (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 72.0 60.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 9th (12.0 DNC) 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 12.0 DNC 72.0 60.0

Spin Class

Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Rating system: PHRFTOT, Entries: 8, Scoring system: Appendix A
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Race 1
Aug 19, 2020  
Race 2
Aug 26, 2020  
Race 3
Sept 2, 2020  
Race 4
Sept 9, 2020  
Race 5
Sept 16, 2020  
Race 6
Sept 23, 2020  
Total Nett
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1st (1.0) 1.0 1.0   1.0 1.0 5.0 4.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 2nd 2.0 2.0 (3.0)   2.0 2.0 11.0 8.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 3rd 3.0 3.0 (4.0)   3.0 3.0 16.0 12.0
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 4th 5.0 OOD 4.0 2.0   (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 29.0 20.0
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 5th (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC   9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 45.0 36.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 5th (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC   9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 45.0 36.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 5th (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC   9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 45.0 36.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 5th (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC   9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 45.0 36.0

Race 1 - N-Spin Class - Aug 19, 2020

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:07:00, Distance: 0.91 NM, Course: Short A- B, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: 0-3 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 1 6:07:02 7:37:02 1:30:00 1:19:53 126 0.607 kn 1.0
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 2 6:07:00 7:00:00 DNF       2.0
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 2     DNF       2.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 2     DNF       2.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 2     DNF       2.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 6     DNC       12.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 6     DNC       12.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 6     DNC       12.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 6     DNC       12.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 6     DNC       12.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 6     DNC       12.0

Race 2 - N-Spin Class - Aug 26, 2020

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:16:14, Distance: 2.6 NM, Course: 11 H-C-A-Z, Wind dir: W, Ave wind: 8-10 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 1 6:16:14 6:57:14 0:41:00 0:33:34 183 3.805 kn 1.0
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 2     OOD       2.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 2 6:16:14 7:05:39 0:49:25 0:38:42 333.474 3.157 kn 2.0
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 4 6:16:14 7:00:37 0:44:23 0:39:24 243.487 3.515 kn 3.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 5 6:16:14 7:09:19 0:53:05 0:44:00 399.026 2.939 kn 4.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 6 6:16:14 7:13:49 0:57:35 0:48:32 479.478 2.709 kn 5.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 7     DNC       12.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 7     DNC       12.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 7     DNC       12.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 7     DNC       12.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 7     DNC       12.0

Race 3 - N-Spin Class - Sept 2, 2020

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:10:10, Distance: 3.4, Course: 26 H-B-H-B-A-Z, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: 8-11 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 1 6:10:10 7:12:07 1:01:57 0:54:59 126 3.293 kn 1.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 2 6:10:10 7:22:32 1:12:22 0:59:14 239.667 2.819 kn 2.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 3     OOD       2.8
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 4 6:10:10 7:24:25 1:14:15 1:04:45 260.218 2.747 kn 3.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 5 6:10:10 7:45:10 1:35:00 1:18:44 486.642 2.147 kn 4.0
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 6 6:10:10 8:24:58 RAF       7.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 6     DNF       7.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 8     DNC       12.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 8     DNC       12.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 8     DNC       12.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 8     DNC       12.0

Race 4 - N-Spin Class - Sept 9, 2020

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:10:05, Distance: 3.4 NM, Course: 13-2X B-F-A-B-F-A-Z, Wind dir: ENE, Ave wind: 10-15 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 1 6:10:05 7:05:00 0:54:55 0:47:54 138 3.715 kn 1.0
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 2 6:09:08   OOD       2.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 2 6:10:05 7:08:40 0:58:35 0:47:57 183.936 3.482 kn 2.0
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 4 6:10:05 7:06:24 0:56:19 0:49:59 155.539 3.622 kn 3.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 5 6:10:05 7:15:19 1:05:14 0:51:06 267.248 3.127 kn 4.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 6 6:10:05 7:12:19 1:02:14 0:51:34 229.664 3.278 kn 5.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 7 6:10:05 7:19:08 1:09:03 0:58:11 315.063 2.954 kn 6.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 8     DNC       12.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 8     DNC       12.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 8     DNC       12.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 8     DNC       12.0

Race 5 - N-Spin Class - Sept 16, 2020

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:08:10, Distance: 2.31 NM, Course: B-A-I-A-Z, Wind dir: S, Ave wind: 7-9 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 1 6:08:10 6:56:12 0:48:02 0:42:38 126 2.885 kn 1.0
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 2 6:08:10 6:57:41 0:49:31 0:43:11 146.876 2.799 kn 2.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 3 6:08:10 7:01:30 0:53:20 0:43:39 200.59 2.599 kn 3.0
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 4 6:08:10 7:06:05 0:57:55 0:47:24 265.094 2.393 kn 4.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 5 6:08:10 7:29:23 1:21:13 1:03:37 593.008 1.707 kn 5.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 6 6:08:10 7:27:20 1:19:10 1:06:43 564.157 1.751 kn 6.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 7     DNF       7.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 8     DNC       12.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 8     DNC       12.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 8     DNC       12.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 8     DNC       12.0

Race 6 - N-Spin Class - Sept 23, 2020

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:07:05, Distance: 2.6 NM, Course: 28 H-C-A-Z, Wind dir: WSW, Ave wind: 7-11 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Tamarind Tartan 34C Mark McIver N-Spin 388 183 1 6:07:05 6:40:22 0:33:17 0:27:15 183 4.687 kn 1.0
Reveille Tartan 10 Tom Jackson N-Spin 43181 126 2 6:07:05 6:39:07 0:32:02 0:28:26 155.471 4.87 kn 2.0
Jitterbug Catalina 270 George Breig N-Spin 319 216 3 6:07:05 6:49:54 0:42:49 0:33:32 392.953 3.643 kn 3.0
Sawdust Catalina 34 Bill Lachenmyer N-Spin 1037 162 4 6:07:05 6:49:09 0:42:04 0:35:27 376.436 3.708 kn 4.0
Touche Comet Bob Dickey N-Spin 53462 138 5     DNF       5.0
Slice J-22 Mike Stewart N-Spin 112 183 6     DNC       12.0
If... Catalina 35 Greig Mitchell N-Spin 330 162 6     DNC       12.0
St. Judy's Comet Catalina 320 Eric Johnston N-Spin 451 174 6     DNC       12.0
Tango 22 Tanzer 22 Charles Harris N-Spin 135 240 6     DNC       12.0
Whistle Jacket J - 34C Trevor Carouge N-Spin 319 117 6     DNC       12.0
Dudley DoRight Hunter 336 Dave Buchanan N-Spin 93359 156 6     DNC       12.0

Race 1 - Spin Class - Aug 19, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:00:12, Distance: 0.91 NM, Course: Short A-B, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: 0-3 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1 6:00:12 6:59:42 0:59:30 0:54:01 111 0.918 kn 1.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 2 6:00:12 6:59:16 0:59:04 0:55:54 106.186 0.924 kn 2.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 3 6:00:12 7:06:48 1:06:36 0:59:07 189.876 0.82 kn 3.0
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 4     OOD       5.0
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 5     DNC       9.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 5     DNC       9.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 5     DNC       9.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 5     DNC       9.0

Race 2 - Spin Class - Aug 26, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:06:12, Distance: 4.0 NM, Course: 29 H-D-C-A-Z, Wind dir: W, Ave wind: 8-10 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1 6:06:12 6:58:40 0:52:28 0:47:37 111 4.574 kn 1.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 2 6:06:12 6:59:16 0:53:04 0:50:13 118.559 4.523 kn 2.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 3 6:06:12 7:05:56 0:59:44 0:53:01 202.549 4.018 kn 3.0
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 4 6:06:12 7:04:49 0:58:37 0:53:57 188.481 4.094 kn 4.0
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 5     DNC       9.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 5     DNC       9.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 5     DNC       9.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 5     DNC       9.0

Race 3 - Spin Class - Sept 2, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:02:01, Distance: 5.2 NM, Course: 27 H-B-H-D-A-Z, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: 8-11 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1 6:02:01 7:11:02 1:09:01 1:02:39 111 4.521 kn 1.0
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 2 6:02:01 7:20:47 1:18:46 1:12:29 204.38 3.961 kn 2.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 3 6:02:01 7:23:57 1:21:56 1:17:32 234.708 3.808 kn 3.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 4 6:02:01 7:34:43 1:32:42 1:22:17 337.825 3.366 kn 4.0
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 5     DNC       9.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 5     DNC       9.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 5     DNC       9.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 5     DNC       9.0

Race 4 - Spin Class - Sept 9, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:00:05, Distance: 3.1 NM, Course: 14 B-H-C-A-Z, Ave wind: 10-15 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Place Points
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111      
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84      
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126      
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102      
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117      
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111      
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111      
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111      

Race 5 - Spin Class - Sept 16, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:00:10, Distance: 3.1 NM, Course: 22 B-A-B-A-Z, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: 7-9 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1 6:00:10 6:51:01 0:50:51 0:46:09 111 3.658 kn 1.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 2 6:00:10 6:56:15 0:56:05 0:53:05 179.028 3.316 kn 2.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 3 6:00:10 7:08:06 1:07:56 1:00:18 333.067 2.738 kn 3.0
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 4     DNC       9.0
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 4     DNC       9.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 4     DNC       9.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 4     DNC       9.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 4     DNC       9.0

Race 6 - Spin Class - Sept 23, 2020

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 6:00:07, Distance: 2.6 NM, Course: 28 H-C-A-Z, Wind dir: WSW, Ave wind: 7-11 Knts
Boat Boat Type HelmName Class SailNo PHRFTOT Rank Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCR Ave speed Points
Jambo J-29 Trevor Carouge Spin 111 111 1 6:00:07 6:27:43 0:27:36 0:25:03 111 5.652 kn 1.0
Aura J-100 Bob Gallagher Spin 93487 84 2 6:00:07 6:28:21 0:28:14 0:26:43 126.168 5.525 kn 2.0
Gabrielle J-29 Branden Spear Spin 21613 126 3 6:00:07 6:35:01 0:34:54 0:30:59 285.83 4.47 kn 3.0
Ethyl Alcohol Far East Dotty Holoubek Spin 93 102 4     DNC       9.0
Nothing Artifical J-29 Joe Brooks Spin 267 117 4     DNC       9.0
No Mas J-29 Bill Brooks Spin 25666 111 4     DNC       9.0
Epicure J-29 Jack Brooks Spin 31628 111 4     DNC       9.0
Flossie J-29 Jay Weaver Spin 83413 111 4     DNC       9.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2