Monday, June 12, 2023

Scorekeeper's Notes: codes and scoring.

 More Scorekeeper's Notes: Race Codes? OOD?

(Some of you have asked me about codes & points)

 On occasion codes are used on the score sheet. The following explains the codes and how they are scored.

The software automatically calculates this scoring.

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Here are some typical codes that we use from time to time.

DNF scoring: Did not Finish

The boat will be scored points equal to the number of finishers plus one.

DSQ scoring: Disqualified after starting the race.

Same as DNF 

DNS Scoring: Reported to the starting area; but, did not Start

The boat will be scored points equal to the number of starters plus one.

DNC Scoring: Boat did not report to the starting area and did not start

The boat will be scored points equal to the number of boats in series plus one.

For example: 

3 boats (A,B,C) finish the race in that order.

Boat D starts then retires. (ran out of beer) DNF

Boat E failed to finish within the time limit. (wind fell off) DNF

Boat F was disqualified (missed a mark.) DSQ

Boat G reported to the starting area but retired before the start. (forgot beer) DNS

Boat H & I were absent. (on vacation in Hawaii) DNC

Results: (9 boats registered for series.) (paid their racing fee)

Boat A 1.0 points

Boat B 2.0 points

Boat C 3.0 points

Boat D DNF 4.0 points

Boat E DNF 4.0 points

Boat F DSQ 4.0 points

Boat G DNS 7.0 points

Boat H DNC 10.0 points

Boat I  DNC 10.0 points

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OOD - Officer of the Day

If you are the Committee Boat or OOD, you will receive points based on you average finishes for that series. In our case, 6 races makes a full series. that means up to 5 results will be averaged.  As the series progresses, your OOD score will change depending on your finishes,

2.6.2 Race Committee Boat Scoring - The boat designated as the stationary Race Committee Boat will be scored OOD (Officer-Of-the-Day.) The boat will receive the average points of all scored races less any DNC's for that series. 

Committee Boat Scoring: OOD
The boat designated as the Committee Boat will be scored OOD (Officer of the day.The average points of all scored races less any DNC's for that series. 

Example: a boat that finished 1,2,3, OOD, 4, DNC.  The DNC would be discarded. Scoring: 1+2+3+4=10.  10/4 = 2.5 = OOD.  
For the race that the boat was the RC, the boat would be scored 2.5.

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