Tuesday, August 17, 2021

 Rules Question???

Situation - The Race Committee has just announced that the course has been shortened. You are asked to finish to starboard of a mark in the next leg of the original course. The Committee boat will not be on station at that mark to call finishes. You are asked to determine when you have finished and call in your time. 

Question - Leaving the finishing mark to starboard, how close must you come to that mark before recording your finishing time?

Answer - In Rule 34 in the Racing Rules of Sailing, US Sailing prescribes “a boat shall finish as close to the remaining mark as practicable on a line extending from its required side at a 90° angle to the last leg. If a boat finishes when the Race Committee is absent, to be scored as finishing she shall note her finishing time and her finishing position in relation to any nearby boats and report them to the Race Committee as soon as possible.”

So practically speaking, to comply with Rule 34, mark your time and position versus other boats when you are:

1.  Approximately three boat lengths from the mark. 

2.  On the required side of the mark. 

3.  Sailing across a finishing line extending at a 90° angle between the finishing mark and the line of the last leg. 

Sail Fast!


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